Randall Terry
It's not an original observation to point out that something's seriously wrong with the people who run CNN. The whole Terri Schiavo death-watch and its attending coverage should have opened a lot of people's eyes to what seems to be an increasingly ideological slant to the news coming out of downtown Atlanta. That they would even consider giving air time to that sleaze Randall Terry, who used the occasion of a woman's death to further his own fanatical socio-political aims, is bad enough, but at least (I guess) you could make the case that he did sort of have a dog in that hunt, however tenuous the connection between the anti-abortion POV and the anti-euthanasia POV.
But how, why they can justify giving this nimrod air time to spout his invective as part of their coverage of the Pope's impending passage from this earth is beyond me. He thrives on publicity, and giving it to him is like pouring gasoline on a pile of burning books. The morbid nature of their apparently now 24/7 "Who's dying now?" programming is bad enough without using this need to fill time to justify giving every wacko anti-freedom fanatical nutjob his talking head moment.
But how, why they can justify giving this nimrod air time to spout his invective as part of their coverage of the Pope's impending passage from this earth is beyond me. He thrives on publicity, and giving it to him is like pouring gasoline on a pile of burning books. The morbid nature of their apparently now 24/7 "Who's dying now?" programming is bad enough without using this need to fill time to justify giving every wacko anti-freedom fanatical nutjob his talking head moment.
Atrios earlier today: "[The right] could still recover entirely from this if they do a 180 and send Randall Terry packing for awhile, but I don't think he's going anywhere. This is actually one place where CNN's (and others) complete deference to these wingnuts might actually be advantageous. Maybe we should write and suggest Mr. Terry gets his own show."
...you could make the case that he did sort of have a dog in that hunt, however tenuous the connection between the anti-abortion POV and the anti-euthanasia POV.
That moralizing windbag is permanently enjoined from anti-abortion activity as part of his out of court settlement on RICO charges.
More about Randall Terry at Scamboogah
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